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What is the Vet+i Platform?

The Vet+i Foundation, Spanish Technology Platform for Animal Health, is an interdisciplinary forum that integrates all relevant stakeholders from academia, research, farmers, veterinarians, industry, regulators, etc. interested in animal health.



rueda de vet+i

Vet+i has been created to improve R&D in the field of animal health in Spain and consequently, to position the Platform as a referent in the applied research environment of the animal health throughout Spain, Europe and the Mediterranean area. Vet+i acts as mirror group of the European Technology Platform for Global Animal Health (ETPGAH).

flecha vet+i



Vet+i pretends that this interdisciplinary forum becomes a dynamic and efficient instrument to facilitate the networking and discussion in order to achieve its main goal: to enable the efficient transfer of research developed in Spain and accelerate the development and delivery of the most effective tools for controlling the animal diseases of priority for Spain, thereby improving human and animal health, food safety and quality, animal welfare and market access.


transferencia moderna