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  • To enable networking and discussion involving all key players and stakeholders interested in the field of animal health; farmers, veterinarians, academia, industry, regulators, etc.
  • To carry out a gap analysis in terms of research themes and products' availability and contribute to the prioritization of the identified needs.
  • To focus actions on the applied research and the development of innovative products, increasing the competitiveness of the Spanish animal health industry and other stakeholders as users of these innovative tools.
  • To identify critical points and enabling factors linked to the successful technology transfer from the research to the development phase.
  • To coordinate the research and development phases with the requirements for the registration process, enabling a shorter time access to market.
  • To provide a Strategic Research Agenda in the field of animal health in Spain.
  • To provide guidance to establish the priorities on Spanish animal health research, aligned with the general interest of Spain.
  • To act as a consultant to the competent Organizations about any strategic or research action plan that may require funding and specific support.
  • To propose recommendations to competent Authorities and Organizations in the field of the animal health on the basis of the results or evidences provided by the Platform.
  • To ensure coordination with the European Platform.
  • To carry out a communication plan to raise awareness in society about the contribution of the platform and the animal health as a whole.